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bracketLevel (+textual)

Return the nested bracket level for each character in a string


[level, allClosed] = textual.bracetLevel(inputString, bracketTypes)

Input arguments

inputString [ char | string ]

Input string; for each of the characters in the inputString, a number greater than or equal to 0 will be returned indicating the level of nested brackets at the position.

bracketTypes [ cellstr | string ]

List of bracket types that will be counted; can be any combination of the following four types of brackets: (), [], {}, <>. In addition, the bracketTypes can be a single quote, ', or a double qoute, "; see Description.

Output arguments

level [ numeric ]

A vector of numbers greater than or equal to 0 indicating the the level of nested brackets at the respective position in the inputString; all opening and closing brackets are counted as inside themselves.

allClosed [ true | false ]

True if all brackets are closed by the end of the string.


The output level will be as long as the input string. Its value will be

  • increased by 1 for each opening bracket or an odd occurrence of a singleton mark on the bracketTypes list;

  • decreased by 1 for each closing bracket or an even occurrence of a singleton mark on the bracketTypes list.
