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databank.fromCSV (+databank)

Create databank by loading CSV file


outputDb = databank.fromCSV(fileName, ...)


db = databank.fromCSV("data.csv")

db = databank.fromCSV("data.csv", skipRows=1:5)

db = databank.fromCSV( ...
    "data.csv" ...
    , dateFormat="yyyy/m/d" ...
    , enforceFrequency=Frequency.QUARTERY ...

Input Arguments

fileName [ string ]

Name of the Input CSV data file or a cell array of CSV file names that will be combined.

Output Arguments

outputDb [ struct | Dictionary ]

Database created from the input CSV file(s).


AddToDatabank [ struct | Dictionary ]

Add the data loaded from the input file to an existing databank (struct or Dictionary); the format (Matlab class) of AddToDatabank= must comply with option OutputType=.

Case="" [ "lower" | "upper" | "" ]

Change case of variable names.

CommentsRow=["Comment", "Comments"] [ string ]

Label at the start of row that will be used to create comments in time series.

Continuous=false [ false | "descending" | "ascending" ]

Indicate that dates are a continuous range, either acending or descending.

DateFormat="YYYYFP" [ string ]

Format of dates in first column.

Delimiter="," [ string ]

Delimiter separating the individual values (cells) in the CSV file; if different from a comma, all occurences of the delimiter will replaced with commas -- note that this will also affect text in comments.

FirstDateOnly=false [ true | false ]

Read and parse only the first date string, and fill in the remaining dates assuming a range of consecutive dates.

EnforceFrequency=false [ Frequency | false ]

Advise frequency of dates; if empty, frequency will be attempted to be automatically recognized from the date string (only possible if the date format contains the frequency letter).

NamesHeader=["", "Variables", "Time"] [ string | numeric ]

String, or a vector of strings, that is at the beginning (in the first cell) of the row with variable names, or the line number at which the row with variable names appears (first row is numbered 1).

NamesFunc=[ ] [ cell | function_handle | empty ]

Function used to change or transform the variable names. If a cell array of function handles, each function will be applied in the given order.

NaN="NaN" [ string ]

String representing missing observations (case insensitive).

OutputType="struct" [ "struct" | "Dictionary" ]

Format (Matlab class) of the output databank.

Postprocess=[] [ function_handle | empty ]

Apply this function to all fields (regardless of the type/class of the data) created within this run of databank.fromCSV.

Preprocess=[ ] [ function_handle | cell | empty ]

Apply this function, or cell array of functions, to the raw text file before parsing the data.

Select=@all [ @all | string | empty ]

Only databank entries included on this list will be read in and returned in the output databank outputDb; entries not on this list will be discarded; @all means all entries found in the CSV file will be included in the outputDb.

SkipRows=[ ] [ char | string | numeric | empty ]

Skip rows whose first cell matches the string or strings (regular expressions); or, skip a vector of row numbers.

DatabankUserData=Inf [ string | Inf ]

Field name under which the databank-wide user data loaded from the CSV file (if they exist) will be stored in the output databank; Inf means the field name will be read from the CSV file (and will be thus identical to the originally saved databank).

UserDataField="." [ string ]

A leading character denoting user data fields for individual time series; if empty, no user data fields will be read in and created.

UserDataFieldList=[] [ string | numeric | empty ]

List of row headers, or vector of row numbers, that will be included as user data in each time series.


Use the "EnforeFrequency=" option whenever there is ambiguity in intepreting the date strings, and IRIS is not able to determine the frequency correctly (see Example).

Structure of CSV Data Files

The minimalist structure of a CSV data file has a leading row with variables names, a leading column with dates in the basic IRIS format, and individual columns with numeric data:

|         |       Y |       P |
|  2010Q1 |       1 |      10 |
|  2010Q2 |       2 |      20 |
|         |         |         |

You can add a comment row (must be placed before the data part, and start with a label "Comment" in the first cell) that will also be read in and assigned as comments to the individual Series objects created in the output databank.

|         |       Y |       P |
| Comment |  Output |  Prices |
|  2010Q1 |       1 |      10 |
|  2010Q2 |       2 |      20 |
|         |         |         |

You can use a different label in the first cell to denote a comment row; in that case you need to set the option CommentsRow= accordingly.

All CSV rows whose names start with a character specified in the option UserDataField= (a dot by default) will be added to output Series objects as fields of their user data.

|         |       Y |       P |
| Comment |  Output |  Prices |
| .Source |   Stat  |  IMFIFS |
| .Update | 17Feb11 | 01Feb11 |
| .Units  | Bil USD |  2010=1 |
|  2010Q1 |       1 |      10 |
|  2010Q2 |       2 |      20 |
|         |         |         |


Typical example of using the EnforeFrequency= option is a quarterly databank with dates represented by the corresponding months, such as a sequence 2000-01-01, 2000-04-01, 2000-07-01, 2000-10-01, etc. In this case, you can use the following options:

d = databank.fromCSV( ...
    "MyDataFile.csv" ...
    , "dateFormat=", "YYYY-MM-01" ...
    , "enforeFrequency=", Frequency.QUARTERLY ...

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