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Download time series from Fred, the St Louis Fed databank


[outputDb, status] =, ___)


db =["GDPC1", "PCE"]);

db =["GDPC1", "PCE"], frequency=Frequency.QUARTERLY);

db =["GDPC1->gdp", "PCE->pc"]);

db = ...
    "GDPC1", vintage=["2001-09-11", "2019-12-30", "2019-12-31"] ...

v =["GDPC1", "TB3MS"], "Request", "VintageDates");

Input Arguments

seriesId [ string ]

List of Fred series Ids to retrieve, or "Id->Name" mappings specifying a Name different from Id under which the series will be saved in the databank.

Output arguments

outputDb [ struct ]

Output databank with requested time series.

status [ true | false ]

True if all requested time series have been sucessfully downloaded.


AddToDatabank=[] [ struct | empty ]

Requested time series will be added to this existing databank; if empty, a new databank of the OutputType= class will be created; the type of AddToDatabank= option must be consistent with the OutputType=.

AggregationMethod="avg" [ "avg" | "sum" | "eop" ]

Aggregation (frequency conversion) method applied when option 'Frequency=' is used.

Frequency=[] [ empty | Frequency ]

Request time series conversion to the specified frequency; frequency conversion will be performed server-side; only high- to low-frequency conversion is possible (aggregation).

Request="Observations" [ "Observations" | "Vintages" ]

Kind of information requested from Fred: Observations means the actual observations arranged in a time series databank; Vintages means vintage dates currently available for each series specified.

MaxRequestAttempts=3 [ numeric ]

Maximum number of attempts to run each HTTPS request.

OutputType='struct' [ struct | Dictionary ]

Type (Matlab class) of the output databank; the type of AddToDatabank= option must be consistent with the OutputType=.

Progress=false [ true | false ]

Show command line progress bar.

URL="" [ string ]

URL for the Fred(R) API.

Vintage=[ ] [ string | "*" | Dater ]

List of vintage dates (strings in ISO format, "YYYY-MM-DD") for which the time series will be requested; the resulting time series will have as many columns as the number of vintages actually returned; with the column comments starting with the vintage date string.

Requesting "*" means all vintages currently available will be first obtained for each series, and then observations for all these vintages will be requested requested; the list of vintages is then returned in each series as a user data field named "Vintages".


Examples of basic use cases

Run a plain vanilla command to retrieve one quarterly (GDPC1) and one monthly series (PCE):

db = databank.fromFred(["GDPC1", "PCE"])

Do the same, but convert the non-quarterly series to quarterly frequency server side. Obviously, it can alternatively also be done ex-post in Iris:

db = databank.fromFred(["GDPC1", "PCE"], "Frequency=", Frequency.QUARTERLY)

Retrieve the same series but rename them in the output database:

db = databank.fromFred(["GDPC1->gdp", "PCE->pc"])

Examples of user specified vintages

Specify the vintage dates for which you wish to retrieve the series. The vintage dates can be any date (formatted as ISO strings); if some do not coincide with the vintages actually available, the observations will simply be returned as they existed at those particular dates:

db = databank.fromFred( ...
    "GDPC1", Vintage=["2001-09-11", "2019-12-30", "2019-12-31"] ...

The latter two vintage dates produce exactly the same time series as there was no update of GDP data between December 30 and Decemeber 31, 2019; compare the two columns:


Example of all-vintage use case

First, run a request for the list of vintages currently available for one quarterly series (GDPC1) and one monthly series (TB3MS):

vin = databank.fromFred(["GDPC1", "TB3MS"], "Request=", "VintageDates");

The vin databank contains a list of the vintages available for each of the requested series. Now, retrieve the last five vintages for each series:

db = struct( );

db = databank.fromFred( ...
    "GDPC1", ...
    "Vintage=", vin.GDPC1(end-4:end), ...
    "AddToDatabank=", db ...

db = databank.fromFred( ...
    "TB3MS", ...
    "Vintage=", vin.TB3MS(end-4:end), ...
    "AddToDatabank=", db ...
