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rephrase.Bands (+rephrase)

Create a Bands object for rephrase reports


output = rephrase.Bands(title, lower, upper, relation, varargin)

Input arguments

title [ string ]

Title text for bands which will be passed to the SeriesChart object to be displayed as a legend.

Lower [ Series ]

Series type of data which will be passed to the SeriesChart object to be displayed as the lower part of the shaded area. In case of the absolute relation, a lower part of percentiles needs to be passed. In case of the relative relation, a sigma value needs to be passed.

Lower [ Series ]

Series type of data which will be passed to the SeriesChart object to be displayed as the lower part of the shaded area. In case of the absolute relation, a upper part of percentiles needs to be passed. In case of the relative relation, a sigma value needs to be passed.

Relation [ string relative | absolute ]

The bands can be either relative or absolute. The absolute relation directly takes the percentile Series type of data a draws shaded areas. The relative relation take the value of sigma and calculates the areas.

Output arguments

output [ Bands ]

Bands type object with the assigned arguements to be passed into the rephrase objects.


ShowLegend=true [ true* | false ]

Flag which enables the graph legend by default and can be set to false.

Whitening=0 [ numeric ]

The option sets the level of whitening happening in the shaded area.

Alpha=0.5 [ numeric ]

The option sets the RGB opacity of the shaded area. The value can be set between 1 and 0 where 1 means the same color as the mid point line and 0 means white.

LineWidth=0 [ numeric ]

The option sets the linewidth of shaded area's edges.

Class= [ string ]


Pass= [ cell ]


ShowTitle=true [ true* | false ]

Flag which enables the graph title by default and can be set to false.

Possible children



The function +rephrase/Bands returns the Bands object based on the input arguments and options set by the user. The object itself needs to be passed to the parent rephrase object such as +rephrase/Series (itself a child of +rephrase/SeriesChart).


    % Creating Bands objects
    b1 = rephrase.Bands("25th to 75th percentile", d.x_5_25_75_95{:,2}, d.x_5_25_75_95{:,3}, "absolute", "alpha", 0.50);
    b2 = rephrase.Bands("5th to 95th percentile", d.x_5_25_75_95{:,1}, d.x_5_25_75_95{:,4}, "absolute", "alpha", 0.30);

    % Using absolute relation
    chart1 = rephrase.SeriesChart("Chart 1", startDate:endDate) ...
        + rephrase.Series("Series X", d.x, "bands", {b1, b2});

    % Using relative relation
    b1 = rephrase.Bands("+/– sigma", d.y_std, d.y_std, "relative", "alpha", 0.30);
    chart2 = rephrase.SeriesChart("Chart 2", startDate:endDate) ...
        + rephrase.Series("Series Y", d.y, "bands", b1);