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moving (Series)

Apply function to moving window of time series observations


outputSeries = moving(inputSeries, ...)

Input arguments

inputSeries [ Series ]

Input times series.

Output arguments

outputSeries [ Series ]

Output time series with their observations constructed by applying the the function Function= to a moving window Window= of observations from the inputSeries.


Function=@mean [ function_handle ]

Function to be applied to moving window of observations. By default, the function is supposed to accept two input arguments: an array of data, and the dimension along which the function will be calculated (this is the way the standard built-int @mean, @sum, etc. functions work).

Period=false [ true | false ]

Force the calculations to be put in a loop period by period and refrain from using dimension as a second input argument into the Function. This options works only when Window= is not a complex number (in which case the calculations are always period by period).

Under the default Period=false, the function is evaluated on a whole array of observations, and supplied a second input argument 1 to indicate the dimension along which the function is to be calculated. This is consistent with standard functions such as mean, sum, etc.

If Period=true, the function Function= is evaluated on a column vector of observations constituting the moving window for the current period only (determined by the Window= specification), one period at a time.

Range=Inf [ Dater | Inf ]

Date range to which the inputSeries will be trimmed before running the calculations.

Window=@auto [ numeric | @auto ]

The moving window of observations to which the function Function= will applied to construct the observations of the outputSeries; see Description and Examples.


The moving window of observations can be specificied in three different ways:

Moving window Option Window= Comment
Moving year of observations @auto The window depends on the date frequency of the inputSeries; only available for yearly, half-yearly, quarterly and monthly frequencies
Exact specification of lags and leads Vector of real integers Negative for lags, positive for leads, zero for current period
Fixed number of non-missing observations Complex number (scalar) Negative imaginary part means the number of observations going back in time (starting from current), positive imaginary part means going forward in time

Exact specification of moving window

Use a vector of integers to specify an exact composition of the moving window. Negative numbers mean lags (observations before the current observation), positive numbers mean leads (observations after the current observation), zero means the current observation:

\[ \begin{gathered} \mathit{window} = \left[ a, b, c, \dots \right] \\[5pt] y_t = f\left( \left[ x_{t+a}, x_{t+b}, x_{t+c}, \dots \right] \right) \end{gathered} \]

If some of the observations are missing, they are still included in the window (typically a NaN for plain numeric time series), and the result may be a missing observation again. This depends on the function used, consider, for instance, the difference between @mean and @nanmean.

Moving window depending on the availability of observations

Use a complex number (with a real part denoting the offset and the imaginary part specifying the length of the window) to specify a window consisting of a fixed number of available (non-missing) observations from the current observation backward, or from the current observation forward (positive imaginary part). The a nonzero offset means that the available (non-missing) observation will be looked up starting not from the current observation, but from an observation before (a negative offset) or after (a positive offset).

If \(\mathit{window}=a + bi\), the algorithm is as follows:

  • For each period \(t\), define the output value \(y_t\) by applying the function \(f\) to a vector of a total of \(b\) observations from the input series \(x_t\) constructed as described in steps 2 and 3.

If the window length (the imaginary part) \(b\) is a negative number:

  • Take all observations starting from \(x_{t+a}\) (i.e. from the current observation if \(a=0\), or from an observation before or after shifted by the offset \(a\)) going backward, i.e. \(x_{t+a}, x_{t+a-1}, x_{t+a-2}, \dots\), all the way to the very first observation available.

  • Exclude any missing observations from this collection. From the remaining non-missing observations, take a total of \(b\) observations starting from the most recent observation going backward.

If the window length (the imaginary part) \(b\) is a positive number:

  • Take all observations starting from \(x_{t+a}\) (i.e. from the current observation if \(a=0\), or from an observation before or after shifted by the offset \(a\)) going forward, i.e. \(x_{t+a}, x_{t+a+1}, x_{t+a+2}, \dots\), all the way to the very last observation available.

  • Exclude any missing observations from this collection. From the remaining non-missing observations, take a total of \(b\) observations starting from the most recent observation going forward.


Centered moving average and sum

Calculate a centered moving average with a total length of the window being 5 observations:

x = moving(x, "window", [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2])

or more concisely

x = moving(x, "window", -2:2)
Calculate a moving sum on the same window of observations:

x = moving(x, "window", -2:2, "function", @sum)

Weighted centered moving average

Supply a user defined function to calculate a weighted centered moving average (with the window specification as in the previous example); we have to use the option Period=true in this case because our function weightedAverage assumes that its input argument is only a vector of 5 numbers (the moving window of observations corresponding to the current period).

func = @(x) 0.10*x(1) + 0.15*x(2) + 0.50*x(3) + 0.15*x(4) + 0.10*x(5);
y = moving(x, "window", -2:2, "function", func, "period", true)

This is though equivalent to a more compact expression

y = 0.10*x{-2} + 0.15*x{-1} + 0.50*x + 0.15*x{1} + 0.10*x{2}

Average of 5 last available observations

Create a daily series of random observations, and remove weekends; the time series will therefore have NaNs in two out of every seven observations:

x = Series(dd(2000,1,1):dd(2020,12,31), @randn);
x = removeWeekends(x);

Create a time series by calculating the average of the five most recent observations available (i.e. excluding any missing observations):

y0 = moving(x, "window", -5i)

Create a time series by calculating the average of the five most recent observations available as before, but now starting from the previous month (not including the current observation); in other words, select the latest available five observations among \(x_{t-1}, x_{t-2}, \dots\)

y1 = moving(x, "window", -1-5i)