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Declaring model names

Declare names of model quantities: Variables, shocks, parameters

Each model quantity (variable, shock, parameter) needs to be declared, i.e. listed under an appropriate heading. Model source code can contain the following types of model names

Model name type Keyword Remark
Transition variables !transition-variables May be abbreviated to !variables
Transition shocks !transition-shocks May be abbreviated to !shocks
Measurement variables !measurement-variables
Measurement shocks !measurement-shocks
Parameters !parameters
Exogenous variables !exogenous-variables May only be used in !dtrends equations


List the names under the respective keyword. The names are separated by white spaces, commas or semicolons, and may be given optional annotations. An annotation is enclosed in double quotes and immediately precedes the respective name.

    variableName, variableName, ...
    "Description of the variable" variableName

Example: Declare transition variables

The following section declares three variables, pie, y, and re

    pie, "Real output" y
    "Real exchange rate" re

Example: Split declaration

Declaration of a particular type of model names can be split into any number of sections (as long as each model name is declared only once). The following snippet is equivalent to the previous example:


    "Real output" y

    "Real exchange rate" re

This is useful when you use some of the control structures, such as !if, !, or !for, or when you split the model source code into multiple source files.