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table (Model)

Create table based on selected indicators from Model object


outputTable = table(model, request, ...)

Input arguments

model [ Model ]

Model object based on which the table will be prepared.

requests [ char | cellstr | string ]

Requested columns for the table; see Description for the list of valid requests.

Output arguments

outputTable [ table ]

Table object with requested values.


CompareFirstColumn=true [ true | false ]

Include the first column in comparison tables (first column compares itself with itself).

Diary="" [ string ]

If Diary= is not empty, the table will be printed on the screen in the command window, and captured in a text file under this file name.

SelectRows=false [ false | string ]

Select only a subset of rows (names of variables, shocks and/or parameters) to be included in the outputTable.

Sort=false [ true | false ]

If true sort the table rows alphabetically by the row names.

Round=Inf [ Inf | numeric ]

Round numeric entries in the table to the specified number of digits; Inf means no rounding.

WriteTable="" [ string | cell ]

If non-empty, the table will be exported to a text or spreadsheet file (depending on the file extension provided) under this file name using the standard writetable( ) function;


This is the list of valid requests that can be combined in one call of the table() function:

  • "SteadyLevel" - Steady-state level for each model variable.

  • "SteadyChange" - Steady-state difference (for nonlog-variables) or steady-state gross rate of change (for log-variables) for each model variables.

  • "SteadyDiff" - Steady-state difference for each model variable not declared as log-variables; NaN for log-variables.

  • "SteadyRate" - Steady-state gross rate of growth for each model variable declared as log-variables; NaN for nonlog-variables.

  • "Form" - Indicator of the form in which steady-state change and/or comparison are reported for each model variable: "Diff-" (meaning a first difference when reporting steady-state growth, or a difference between two steady states when reporting steady-state comparison) for each nonlog-variable, and "Rate/" for each log-variable.

  • "CompareSteadyLevel" - Steady-state level for each model variable compared to the first parameter variant (a difference for each nonlog-variable, a ratio for each log-variable).

  • "CompareSteadyChange" - Steady-state difference (for nonlog-variables) or steady-state gross rate of change (for log-variables) for each model variables compared to the first parameter variant (a difference for each nonlog-variable, a ratio for each log-variable).

  • "CompareSteadyDiff" - Steady-state difference for each model variable not declared as log-variables, compared to the first parameter variant; NaN for log-variables.

  • "SteadyRate" - Steady-state gross rate of growth for each model variable declared as log-variables, compared to the first parameter variant; NaN for nonlog-variables.

  • "Description" - Description text from the model file (quoted text preceding the name in a declaration section).

  • "Alias" - Alias text from the model file (the part of the quoted text preceding the name in a declaration section that follows after a double exclamation mark).

  • "Log" - Indicator of log-variables: true for each model variable declared as a log-variable, false otherwise.

This is the list of valid requests that can be called individually:

  • "Parameters" - The currently assigned value for each parameter; this request can be combined with "Description".

  • "Stationary" - Indicator of stationarity of variables or log variables.

  • "Std" - The currently assigned value for the standard deviation of each model shock.

  • "Corr" - The currently assigned value for the cross-correlation coefficient of each pair of model shocks.

  • "CompareParameters" - The currently assigned value for each parameter compared to the first parameter variant (a difference); this request can be combined with "Description".

  • "CompareStd" - The currently assigned value for the standard deviation of each model shock compared to the first parameter variant (a difference).

  • "CompareCorr" - The currently assigned value for the cross-correlation coefficient of each pair of model shocks compared to the first parameter variant (a difference).

  • "AllRoots" - All eigenvalues associated with the current solution.

  • "StableRoots" - All stable eigenvalues (smaller than 1 in magnitude) associated with the current solution.

  • "UnitRoots" - All unit eigenvalues (equal 1 in magnitude) associated with the current solution.

  • "UnstableRoots" - All unstable eigenvalues (greater than 1 in magnitude) associated with the current solution.


Plain vanilla table

Create table with a steady state summary:

table(m, ["steadyLevel", "steadyChange", "form", "description"])

Save table to spreadsheet

Create the same table as before, and save it to an Excel spreadsheet file:

table( ...
    m, ["steadyLevel", "steadyChange", "form", "description"] ...
    writeTable="steadyState.xls" ...