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databank.addMissingFields (+databank)

Create fields missing from a list, and assign them a default value


db = databank.addMissingFields(db, names, value)

Input arguments

db [ struct | Dictionary ]

Input databank that will be checked for names, and new fields will be created for the names missing, assigned a default value.

names [ string ]

List of field names; any field listed in names that does not exist in the db will be created in db and assigned the default value.

values [ * ]

A default value for fields that are missing from the names.

Output arguments

db [ struct | Dictionary ]

Output databank will all the names guaranteed to exist in it.



Make sure that field names "a", "b", and "c" all exist in a databank; if not, create them and assign NaN:

d = struct();
d.a = 1;
d = databank.addMissingFields(d, ["a", "b", "c"], NaN);