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Estimate parameters and residual models in Explanatory object


[expy, outputDb, info] = regress(expy, inputDb, fittedRange, ...)

Input Arguments

expy [ Explanatory ]

Explanatory object or array whose parameters (associated with regression terms) will be estimated by running a single-equation linear regression; only those parameters that have the corresonding element in .Fixed set to NaN will be estimated.k

inputDb [ struct | Dictionary ]

Input databank from which the time series for each variable in the Explanatory object or array will be retrieved.

fittedRange [ DateWrapper ]

Date range on which the linear regression(s) will be fitted; this range does not include the pre-sample initial condition if there are lags in the Explanatory object or array.

Output Arguments

expy [ Explanatory ]

Output Explanatory object or array with the parameters estimated.

outputDb [ struct | Dictionary ]

Output databank inclusive of the fitted values and residuals (whose names will be created using the .FittedNamePattern and .ResidualNamePattern.

info [ struct ]

Information structure with the following fields:

  • .FittedRange - A K-by-N cell array with the dates of the fitted periods for each of the K equations and each of the N data pages or parameter variants.

  • .ExitFlagsResidualModels - A K-by-N numeric array with the Optimization Tbx exit flags from estimating the residual models; NaN means no residual model was estimated.

  • .ExitFlagsParameters - A K-by-N numeric array with the Optimization Tbx exit flags from estimating the parameters; NaN means the parameters were estimated by linear regression with no iterative procedure.


AppendInput=false [ true | false ]

Append post-sample data from the inputDb to the outputDb.

__MissingObservations="warning" [ "error" | "warning" | "silent" ]

Action taken when some within-sample observations are missing: "error" means an error message will be thrown; "warning" means these observations will be excluded from the estimation sample with a warning; "silent" means these observations will be excluded from the estimation sample silently.

PrependInput=false [ true | false ]

Prepend pre-sample data from the inputDb to the outputDb.



Create an Explanatory object from a string inclusive of three regression terms, i.e. additive terms preceded by +@* or -@*:

expy0 = Explanatory.fromString("difflog(x) = @ + @*difflog(x{-1}) + @*log(z)");

Assign some parameters to the three regression terms:

expy0.Parameters = [0.002, 0.8, 1];

Simulate the equation period by period, using random shocks (names 'res_x' by default) and random observations for z:

d0 = struct();
d0.x = Series(qq(2020,1), ones(40,1));
d0.z = Series(qq(2020,1), exp(randn(40, 1)/10));
d0.res_x = Series(qq(2020,1), randn(40, 1)/50);

d1 = simulate(expy0, d0, qq(2021,1):qq(2029,4));

Estimate the parameters using the simulated data, and compare the parameter estimates and the estimated residuals with their "true" values:

[expy2, d2] = regress(expy0, d1, qq(2021,1):qq(2029,4));
[ expy0.Parameters; expy2.Parameters ]
plot([d0.res_x, d2.res_x]);