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access (Model)

Access properties of Model objects


output = access(model, what)
output = model{what}

Input arguments

model [ Model ]

Model objects that will be queried about what.

what [ string ]

One of the valid queries into the model object properties listed below.

Output arguments

output [ * ]

Response to the query about what.

Valid queries


Returns a string, or an array of strings, with the name(s) of model source files on which this model objects is based.







Return a string array of all the names of the respective type in order of their apperance in the declaration sections of the source model file(s).


Returns the list of variables declared as !log-variables.


Returns a struct with true for all variables declared as !log-variables and false for all other variables.


Returns a struct with the desriptions strings for all model quantities (variables, shocks, parameters).





Returns a vector of strings with all equations of the respective type.


Returns a struct with the desriptions strings for all model equations, ordered as follows: measurement equations, transition equations, measurement trends, links.

"preprocessor", "postprocessor"

Returns an array of Explanatory objects with the equations defined in thea !preprocessor or !postprocessor section of the model source.


Returns a struct of all parameter values (not including std deviations or cross-correlation coefficients).


Returns a struct of std deviations for all model shocks (transitory and measurement).


Returns a struct of cross-correlation coefficients for all pairs of transition shocks and all pairs of measurement shocks.


Returns a struct of non-zero cross-correlation coefficients for all pairs of transition shocks and all pairs of measurement shocks.


Returns a struct with the steady-state levels of all model variables.


Returns a struct with the steady-state change (first difference or rate of change depending on the log status of each variables) for all model variables.


Returns a vector of strings listing all initial conditions necessary for a dynamic simulation.




Returns a vector of stable, unit o unstable eigenvalues, respectively.



Returns the max lag or max lead occurring in the model equations.


Returns a struct with true for all stationary variables, and false for all nonstationary variables.




Returns a list of strings with the respective variables or shocks, including auxiliary lags and leads, as they appear in the rows of first order solution matrices.


Horizon for which the forwared expansion of the model solution has been calculated and is available in the model object.

