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Overview of nonlinear equations solver settings

Iris features its own nonlinear equations solver used in calculating the steady state and dynamic simulations of structural models.

General settings

display="iter" [ "iter" | "final" | "none" | numeric ]

Level of display in numeric iterations:

  • display="iter" - print every iteration and the final convergence message;

  • display="final" - print the final convergence message only;

  • display="none" - do not print any message;

  • display=numeric - same as "display="iter" but print every display iterations only.

Objective function settings

functionNorm=2 [ numeric | Inf | function ]

A vector norm applied to the array of discrepancies between the LHS and RHS of individual equations; see help on the builtin norm function for numeric specification of the norm; or specify your own function norm as an anonymous function.

In most situations, one of the following norms are the appropriate choice:

  • functionNorm=2 - a quadratic norm, i.e. sum of squared discrepancies;

  • functionNorm=Inf - an infinity norm, i.e. sum of absolute discrepancies.

__trimObjectiveFunction=false [ true | false ]

After evaluating the objective function, replace the value smaller than functionTolerance with zeros.

Convergence settings

maxIterations=5000 [ numeric ]

Maximum number of iterations.

maxFunctionEvaluations=@(x) 200*x.NumUknowns [ numeric | functions ]

Maximum number of function evaluations.

functionTolerance=1e-12 [ numeric ]

Convergence tolerance for the functionNorm.

stepTolerance=1e-12 [ numeric ]

Convergence tolerance for the maximum absolute change in the value of the unknowns; set stepTolerance=Inf to turn step tolerance off.

Jacobian settings

jacobCalculation="analytical" [ "analytical" | "forwardDiff" ]

Calculate the Jacobian analytically or numerically.

lastJacobUpdate=Inf [ numeric | Inf ]

Last iteration in which the Jacobian will be updated:

  • lastJacobUpdate=Inf means the Jacobian will be always updated;

  • lastJacobUpdate=0 means the Jacobian will be calculated once at the beginning and never updated afterwards;

  • lastJacobUpdate=-1 means the Jacobian will not be calculated, and an identity matrix will be used in its place;

  • lastJacobUpdate=n means the Jacobian will be update until the n-the iteration (inclusive).

skipJacobUpdate=0 [ numeric ]

The Jacobian will be reused (without recalculation) in the next skipJacobUpdate iteration; then it will get updated again.