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chowlin (Series)

Chow-Lin distribution of low-frequency observations over higher-frequency periods


[Y2, B, RHO, U1, U2] = chowlin(Y1, X2) [Y2, B, RHO, U1, U2] = chowlin(Y1, X2, Range, ...)

Input arguments

Y1 [ tseries ]

Low-frequency input time series that will be distributed over higher-frequency observations.

X2 [ tseries ]

Time series with regressors used to distribute the input data.

Range [ numeric ]

Low-frequency date range on which the distribution will be computed.

Output arguments

Y2 [ tseries ]

Output data distributed with higher frequency.

B [ numeric ]

Vector of regression coefficients.

RHO [ numeric ]

Actually used autocorrelation coefficient in the residuals.

U1 [ tseries ]

Low-frequency regression residuals.

U2 [ tseries ]ยจ

Higher-frequency regression residuals.


Constant=true [ true | false ]

Include a constant term in the regression.

Log=false [ true | false ]

Logarithmise the data before distribution, de-logarithmise afterwards.

NGrid=200 [ numeric ]

Number of grid search points for finding autocorrelation coefficient for higher-frequency residuals.

Rho='Estimate' [ 'Estimate' | 'Positive' | 'Negative' | numeric ]

How to determine the autocorrelation coefficient for higher-frequency residuals.

TimeTrend=false [ true | false ]

Include a time trend in the regression.


  • Chow, G.C., and A.Lin (1971). Best Linear Unbiased Interpolation, Distribution and Extrapolation of Time Series by Related Times Series. Review of Economics and Statistics, 53, pp. 372-75.

  • Robertson, J.C., and E.W.Tallman (1999). Vector Autoregressions: Forecasting and Reality. FRB Atlanta Economic Review, 1st Quarter 1999, pp.4-17.
