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databank.fromSheet (+databank)

Load databank of time series from an XLSX or CSV file


[outputDb, names] = databank.fromSheet(fileName, ___)

Input arguments

fileName [ string ]

File name from which the time series will be loaded into the outputDb.

Output arguments

names [ string ]

List of databank fields actually saved to the output file.


AddToDatabank=struct() [ struct ]

Add the time series from the fileName file to this databank.

IncludeComments=true [ true | false ]

If IncludeComments=true, comments are expected to exist in a second row of the file header (underneath the variables names), and will be read in and assigned to the resulting time series.

Frequencies [ @all | Frequency ]

List of date frequencies; only time series with date frequencies on this list will be loaded; Frequencies=@all means all date frequencies.

Sheet=1 [ numeric | string ]

Only in Excel spreadsheet files: specification of the sheet to read.

SourceNames=@all [ @all | string ]

List of time series fields from the inputDb that will be loaded; SourceNames=@all means all time series found in the fileName file.

TargetNames=[] [ empty | function | struct ]

Function or mapping to transform the source names in the file to target field names used in the outputDb; if TargetNames=[], the time series will be saved under the source names.


The databank.toSheet and its reading counterpart databank.toSheet handle multiple date frequencies by grouping the time series of the same frequency, and loading/saving these groups from/to a single sheet.

At the moment, only numeric time series with real values are supported in databank.toSheet and databank.fromSheet.


d = struct();
d.x = Series(yy(2020):yy(2030), 1);
d.y = Series(mm(2020,01):mm(2020,12), rand(12, 4));
databank.toSheet(d, "test.csv");
d1 = databank.fromSheet("test.csv");
databank.fromSheet(d, "test.xlsx");
d2 = databank.fromSheet("test.xlsx");