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fmse (Model)

Forecast mean square error matrices.


[F, List, D] = fmse(M, NPer, ...)
[F, List, D] = fmse(M, range, ...)

Input arguments

M [ model ]

Model object for which the forecast MSE matrices will be computed.

NPer [ numeric ]

Number of periods.

range [ numeric | char ]

Date range.

## Output Arguments

F [ namedmat | numeric ]

Forecast MSE matrices.

List [ cellstr ]

List of variables in rows and columns of M.

D [ dbase ]

Database with the std deviations of individual variables, i.e. the square roots of the diagonal elements of F.

## Options ##

'MatrixFormat=' [ 'namedmat' | 'plain' ]

Return matrix F as either a namedmat object (i.e. matrix with named rows and columns) or a plain numeric array.

'Select=' [ @all | char | cellstr ]

Return FMSE for selected variables only; @all means all variables.

