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Define text substitutions

Basic syntax for defining substitutions

    name1 := expression1;
    name2 := expression2;

Basic syntax for using substitutions


Syntax for including substitutions as preprocessing equations

Each substitution will be automatically added to !preprocessor equations

    name3 := expression3;
    name4 := expression4;

Syntax for including substitutions as postprocessing equations

Each substitution will be automatically added to !postprocessor equations

    name5 := expression5;
    name6 := expression6;


The !substitutions starts a block with substitution definitions. The definition of each substitution must begin with the name of the substitution, followed by a colon-equal sign, :=, and a text string ended with a semi-colon. The semi-colon is not part of the substitution. Then, each occurence of the name of a substitution enclosed in dollar signs, i.e. $name$, will be replaced with the text string from the definition of the respective substitution.

Some rules for using the substitutions:

  • If more than one source file are specified, substitutions from one file are available in any other file as well.

  • The right-hand-side expressions in the definitions of substitutions can refer to other substitutions; recursive definitions will, off course, not work.

  • The substitutions are literal text substitutions; parenthesise the RHS expressions properly when using the substitutions in math expressions; see Examples below.

  • If included in the preprocessor or postprocessor, the RHS expressions in the substitutions must also comply with the syntax of @Explanatory equations.


Using parentheses to preserve precendence of math operations

The following snippet of model source

    a := ((omega1+omega2)/(omega1+omega2+omega3));

    X = $a$^2*Y + (1-$a$^2)*Z;

will expand to the following expression

    X = ((omega1+omega2)/(omega1+omega2+omega3))^2*Y + ...

Note that the outermost parentheses are needed to preserve the intended math expression.

Substitutions included in preprocessor and/or postprocessor

The following snippet of model source

    alpha := (a + b + c)/3;

is equivalent to this snippet

    alpha := (a + b + c)/3;

    alpha = (a + b + c)/3;

or also to this ones

    alpha := (a + b + c)/3;

    alpha = $alpha$;