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databank.copy (+databank)

Copy fields of source databank to target databank


targetDb = databank.copy(sourceDb, ...)

Input Arguments

sourceDb [ struct | Dictionary ]

Source databank from which some (or all) fields will be copied over to the targetDb.


SourceNames=@all [ @all | cellstr | string ]

List of fieldnames to be copied over from the sourceDb to the targetDb; @all means all fields existing in the sourceDb will be copied.

TargetDb=@empty [ @empty | struct | Dictionary ]

Target databank to which some (or all) fields form the sourceDb will be copied over; @empty means a new empty databank will be created of the same type as the sourceDb (either a struct or a Dictionary).

TargetNames=@auto [ cellstr | string | function_handle ]

Names under which the fields from the sourceDb will be stored in the targetDb; @auto means the TargetNames will be simply the same as the SourceNames; if TargetNames is a function, the target names will be created by applying this function to each of the SourceNames.

Transform={} [ empty | function_handle | cell ]

Transformation function or functions applied to each of the fields being copied over from the sourceDb to the targetDb; if empty, no transformation is performed; if a cell array of functions, each function will be applied consecutively.

WhenTransformFails='Error' [ 'Error' | 'Warning' | 'Silence' ]

Action to be taken if the transformation function Transform= evaluates to an error when applied to one or more fields of the source databank.

Output Arguments

targetDb [ struct | Dictionary ]

Target databank to which some (or all) fields from the sourceDb will be copied over.

