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ffrf (Model)

Filter frequency response function of transition variables to measurement variables


[F, list] = ffrf(model, freq, ...)

## Input Arguments

model [ Model ]

Model object for which the frequency response function will be computed.

freq [ numeric ]

Vector of freq for which the response function will be computed.

## Output Arguments

F [ namedmat | numeric ]

Array with frequency responses of transition variables (in rows) to measurement variables (in columns).

list [ cell ]

List of transition variables in rows of the F matrix, and list of measurement variables in columns of the F matrix.

## Options

Include=@all [ char | cellstr | @all ]

Include the effect of the listed measurement variables only; @all means all measurement variables.

Exclude=[ ] [ char | cellstr | empty ]

Remove the effect of the listed measurement variables.

MaxIter=500 [ numeric ]

Maximum number of iteration when calculating a steady-state Kalman filter for zero-frequency FRF.

MatrixFormat='NamedMat' [ 'NamedMat' | 'Plain' ]

Return matrix F as either a namedmat object (i.e. matrix with named rows and columns) or a plain numeric array.

Select=@all [ @all | char | cellstr ]

Return FFRF for selected variables only; @all means all variables.

Tolerance=1e-7 [ numeric ]

Convergence tolerance when calculating a steady-state Kalman filter for zero-frequency FRF.

## Description

## Examples