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Render charts defined in Chartpack


info = draw(ch, inputDb)

Input arguments

ch [ Chartpack ]

Chartpack object whose charts will be rendered on the screen.

inputDb [ struct | Dictionary ]

Input databank within which the expressions defining the charts will be evaluated, and the results plotted.

Output arguments

info [ struct ]

Output information structure with the following fields:

  • .FigureHandles - handles to all figure objects created;

  • .AxesHandles - cell array of handles to all axes objects created, grouped by figures;

  • .PlotHandles - cell array of cell arrays of handles to all objects plotted within axes, grouped by figures and by axes;

  • .TitleHandles - cell array of handles to all title objects created, grouped by figures;

  • .SubtitleHandles - cell array of handles to all subtitle objects created, grouped by figures;

