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Evaluate contributions in input database using Grouping object


[s, lg] = eval(g, s)

Input arguments

  • g [ Grouping ] - Grouping object.

  • s [ dbase ] - Input dabase with individual contributions.

Output arguments

  • s [ dbase ] - Output database with grouped contributions.

  • lg [ cellstr ] - Legend entries based on the list of group names.


  • 'Append=' [ true | false ] - Append in the output database all remaining data columns from the input database that do not correspond to any contribution of shocks or measurement variables.



For a model object m, database d and simulation range r,

s = simulate(m, d, r, 'contributions=', true) ;
g = Grouping(m, 'Shocks')
g = add(g, 'SupplyShocks', 'shock_pi', 'shock_w') ;
g = add(g, 'DemandShocks', 'shock_y', 'shock_is') ;
s = eval(s, g)