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lhsmrhs (Model)

Discrepancy between the LHS and RHS of each model equation for given data

## Syntax for Casual Evaluation

Q = lhsmrhs(Model, InputDatabank, Range)

## Syntax for Fast (Repeated Evaluation)

Q = lhsmrhs(Model, X)

## Input Arguments

Model [ model ]

Model object whose equations and currently assigned parameters will be evaluated.

X [ numeric ]

Numeric array created from an input databank by calling the function data4lhsmrhs. X contains data for all Model quantities (measurement variables, transition variables, shocks, parameters, and exogenous variables including a time trend) organised in rows, plus an extra last row with time shifts for steady-state references.

InputDatabank [ struct ]

Input databank with data for measurement variables, transition variables, and shocks on which the discrepancies will be evaluated.

Range [ numeric ]

Date range on which the discrepancies will be evaluated.

## Output Arguments

N [ numeric ]

Number of parameter variants within the model object, M.

## Description

## Example