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Installing and using Iris

Software dependencies

The official releases on the stable branch of the Iris Toolbox run in Matlab R2018a or newer. The bleeding edge branch runs on Matlab R2019b or later.

If you wish to use the estimation functions for structural @Model objects (not for @VAR or @Explanatory objects) you also need the Optimization Toolbox installed.

Getting the Iris Toolbox files

You have two options of getting Iris installed on your computer:

Cloning the repository

  1. Use Git to clone the stable branch in a iris/folder/of/your/choice on your computer:
git clone --branch stable iris/folder/of/your/choice

Note that although only the official release are properly tested for bugs, any pushes to the master branch on this GitHub repository are most of the time safe to update to.

Alternatively, you can decide to clone the bleeding edge branch:

git clone iris/folder/of/your/choice

Manually downloading and unzippping the release archive

Unzip the latest official release into an iris/folder/of/your/choice/ on your computer.

Starting up Iris in Matlab

Every time you want to start using Iris in Matlab, run the following command in the Matlab command prompt:

>> addpath iris/folder/of/your/choice; iris.startup

where you, of course, need to replace iris/folder/of/your/choice with the proper path you chose when getting Iris installed on your computer.

Although you could use the Set Path dialog in Matlab to put iris/folder/of/your/choice on the Matlab path, we discourage you from doing that because it may occasionally result in some unwanted side consequences. Simply type up or invoke the above one line every time you wish to start up Iris.