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Estimate Dynamo using static principal components


[a, outputDb, contribDb, range] = estimate(a, inputDb, range, [R, Q], ___)

Input arguments

a [ Dynamo ]

Empty Dynamo object.

inputDb [ struct ]

Input database.

range [ numeric ]

Estimation range.

R [ numeric ]

Selection criterion for the number of factors: Minimum requested proportion of input data volatility explained by the factors

Q [ numeric ]

Selection criterion for the number of factors: Maximum number of factors

Output arguments

A [ Dynamo ]

Estimated Dynamo object.

outputDb [ struct ]

Output database with the observed series, their common components (common_?), the estimates of the factors (factor?), the idiosyncratic residuals (res_?) and the factor residuals (res_factor?).

contribDb [ struct ]

Contributions of the individual input series to the estimated factors.


Cross=true [ true | false | numeric ]

Keep off-diagonal elements in the covariance matrix of idiosyncratic residuals; if false all cross-covariances are reset to zero; if a number between zero and one, all cross-covariances are multiplied by that number

Order=1 [ numeric ]

Order of the VAR for factors

Rank=Inf [ numeric ]

Restriction on the rank of the factor VAR residuals.

