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Retrieve batch of time series from ExcelSheet into databank


outputDb = retrieveDatabank(excelSheet, excelRange, ...)

Input arguments

excelSheet [ ExcelSheet ]

ExcelSheet object from which the time series will be retrieved and returned in an outputDb; excelSheet needs to have its NamesLocation property assigned.

excelRange [ string | numeric ]

Excel row range (if the ExcelSheet object has Row orientation) or column range (column orientation) from which the time series will be retrieved.

Output arguments

outputDb [ | ]

Output databank with the requsted time series.


AddToDatabank=[ ] [ empty | struct | Dictionary ]

Add the requested time series to an existing databank; the type (Matlab class) of this databank needs to be consistent with option OutputType=.

OutputType='struct' [ 'struct' | 'Dictionary' ]

Type (Matlab class) of the output databank.

