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Overview of VAR objects

VAR objects can be constructed as plain VARs or simple panel VARs (with fixed effect), and estimated without or with prior dummy observations (quasi-bayesian VARs). VAR objects are reduced-form models but they are also the point of departure for identifying structural VARs

VAR models in IRIS have the following form:

\[ y_t = \sum_{k=1}^{p} A_k\, y_{t-k} + K + J g_t + \epsilon_t \]


  • \(y_t\) is an \(n\)-by-1 vector of endogenous variables;
  • \(A_k\) are transition matrices at lags 1, ..., k;
  • \(K\) is a vector of intercepts;
  • \(g_t\) is a vector of exogenous variables;
  • \(J\) is the impact matrix of exogenous variables;
  • \(\epsilon_t\) is a vector of forecast (reduced-form) errors, with \(\Omega=\mathrm{E}[\epsilon_t \epsilon_t']\).

Categorical list


Function Description
VAR Create new empty reduced-form VAR object

Properties Directly Accessible

Function Description
object.A Transition matrices with higher orders concatenated horizontally
object.K Vector of intercepts (constant terms)
object.J Impact matrix of exogenous variables
object.Omega Covariance matrix of reduced-form forecast errors
object.Sigma Covariance matrix of parameter estimates
object.AIC Akaike information criterion
object.AICc Akaike information criterion corrected for small sample
object.SBC Schwarz bayesian criterion
object.EigenValues Eigenvalues of VAR transition matrix
object.EigenStability Stability indicator for each eigenvalue
object.Range Estimation range entered by user
object.InxFitted Logical index of dates in estimation range acutally fitted
object.EndogenousNames Names of endogenous variables
object.ResidualNames Names of errors
object.ExogenousNames Names of exogenous variables
object.GroupNames Names of groups in panel VARs
object.ConditioningNames Names of conditioning instruments
object.NumEndogenous Number of endogenous variables
object.NumResiduals Number of errors
object.NumExogenous Number of exogenous variables
object.NumGroups Number of groups in panel VARs
object.NumConditioning Number of conditioning instruments

Getting Information about VAR Objects

Function Description
addToDatabank Add VAR parameters to databank or create new databank
comment Get or set user comments in an IRIS object
companion Matrices of first-order companion VAR
eig Eigenvalues of a VAR process
fprintf Write VAR model as formatted model code to text file
get Query VAR object properties
testCompatible True if two VAR objects can occur together on the LHS and RHS in an assignment
isexplosive True if any eigenvalue is outside unit circle
isstationary True if all eigenvalues are within unit circle
length Number of parameter variants in VAR object
mean Asymptotic mean of VAR process
nfitted Number of data points fitted in VAR estimation
rngcmp True if two VAR objects have been estimated using the same dates
sprintf Print VAR model as formatted model code
sspace Quasi-triangular state-space representation of VAR
userdata Get or set user data in an IRIS object

Referencing VAR Objects

Function Description
group Retrieve VAR object from panel VAR for specified group of data
subsasgn Subscripted assignment for VAR objects
subsref Subscripted reference for VAR objects

Simulation, Forecasting and Filtering

Function Description
ferf Forecast error response function
filter Filter data using a VAR model
forecast Unconditional or conditional VAR forecasts
instrument Define forecast conditioning instruments in VAR models
resample Resample from a VAR object
simulate Simulate VAR model

Manipulating VARs

Function Description
assign Manually assign system matrices to VAR object
alter Expand or reduce the number of alternative parameterisations within a VAR object
backward Backward VAR process
demean Remove constant and the effect of exogenous inputs from VAR object
horzcat Combine two compatible VAR objects in one object with multiple parameterisations integrate - Integrate VAR process and data associated with it
xasymptote Set or get asymptotic assumptions for exogenous inputs

Stochastic Properties

Function Description
acf Autocovariance and autocorrelation functions for VAR variables
fmse Forecast mean square error matrices
vma Matrices describing the VMA representation of a VAR process
xsf Power spectrum and spectral density functions for VAR variables

Estimation, Identification, and Statistical Tests

Function Description
estimate Estimate a reduced-form VAR or BVAR
infocrit Populate information criteria for a parameterised VAR
lrtest Likelihood ratio test for VAR models
portest Portmanteau test for autocorrelation in VAR residuals
schur Compute and store triangular representation of VAR