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rebase (Series)

Rebase times series data to specified period


[outputSeries, priorValue, reciprocal] = rebase(inputSeries, basePeriod, baseValue, ___)

Input arguments

inputSeries [ Series ]

Input time series that will be rebased.

basePeriod [ Dater | "allStart" | "allEnd" ] -

Date relative to which the input data will be rebased; 'allStart' means the first date for which all time series columns have a NaN observation; 'allEnd' means the last such date. The basePeriod may be a vector of dates, in which case the mean or geometric mean of the corresponding values will be calculated.

baseValue [ numeric ]

The new value that the outputSeries will see in the basePeriod.


Mode="auto" [ "auto" | "additive" | "multiplicative" ]

Rebasing mode; if Mode="auto", the rebasing mode will be based on the baseValue: "additive" for baseValue=0, "multiplicative" otherwise;

Reciprocal=[] [ empty | Series ]

A reciprocal series that will be rebased so that the sum or the product (depending on the Mode=) of the inputSeries and the Reciprocal is preserved. The Reciprocal= series must be the same size as the inputSeries.

Output arguments

outputSeries [ Series ]

Rebased output time series.

priorValue [ numeric ]

The value of the inputSeries in basePeriod before rebasing.

reciprocal [ empty | Series ]

Rebased reciprocal series.

