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Interface to X13-Arima seasonal adjustment procedure


[outputSeries, outputSeries, ..., info] = x13.season(inputSeries, ...)
[outputSeries, outputSeries, ..., info] = x13.season(inputSeries, range, ...)

Input Arguments

inputSeries [ Series ]

Input time series that will be subjected to a X13-ARIMA seasonal adjustment procedure.

range=Inf [ Dater ]

Date range on which the seasonal adjustment will be performed; any observations outside the range will be clipped off before running the procedure; if not specified, all observations available will be used.

Output Arguments

outputSeries [ Series ]

One or more output time series that correspond to the type of output requested in the option Output.

info [ struct ]

Information struct with details on the X13-ARIMA procedure run. The info struct includes the following fields and nested fields:

  • .InputFiles - a struct with nested fields named after the extensions of the individual input files, with the content of the these input files.

  • .OutputFiles - a struct with with nested fields named after the extensions of the individual output files produced by the X13-ARIMA procedure, with the content of these output files. The output files always included are .log, .out, and .err. Additional output files are included based on the output series (output tables) requested in the option Output.

  • .Message - the screen output of the X13-ARIMA procedure; this output is also printed on the screen when the option Display=true.

  • .OutputSpecs - selected specs based on the information captured from some output files; the output specs may include OutputSpecs.X11_Mode, OutputSpecs.Arima_Model, OutputSpecs.Arima_AR, OutputSPecs.Arima_MA.

  • .Path - the entire path to the input and output files, including the file name wkithout and extension (the same file name with different extensions is used for both input and output files); when Cleanup=true, the input and output files are all deleted automatically.

General Options

Output="d10" [ string ]

Types of output requested to be returned as time series from the X13-ARIMA procedure; see the Output Tables in Description; the number of the outputSeries arguments corresponds to the number of elements in this option.

Range=Inf [ Dater ]

Date range that will be extracted from the inputSeries before running the X13-ARIMA procedure; the observations outside the range will be discarded.

Display=false [ true | false ]

Print the screen output produced by the X13-ARIMA procedure; the message is also captured in the output argument info.Message.

Cleanup=true [ true | false ]

Delete all input and output files automatically.

X13-ARIMA Options

Below are listed the X13-ARIMA specs that are supported in the current implemenation; refer to the X13-ARIMA-SEATS manual for details and explanation. To assign values to the individual specs and their settings, follow these rules:

  • if a numeric scalar or vector is expected, assign the option a numeric scalar or vector;

  • if a "yes" or "no" value is expected, assign a true or false;

  • if a text value or a list of more than onetext values is expected (such as log in Transform_Function, or td lpyear in Regression_Variables), enter a single double-quoted string, or an array of strings (such as "log" or ["td", "lpyear"]);

  • if time series data are expected (such as in Regression_Data), enter a time series object;

  • if a fixed numeric value is expected (such as fixed coefficients in Arima_AR, as opposed to initial values in the same spec), enter an imaginary value (such as 0.8i); imaginary values will be printed with an extra F in the input files (such as 0.8F);

Series Spec

  • Series_Title
  • Series_Span
  • Series_ModelSpan
  • Series_Precision
  • Series_Decimals
  • Series_CompType
  • Series_CompWeight
  • Series_AppendBcst
  • Series_AppendFcst
  • Series_Type
  • Series_Save

X11 Spec

  • X11_SeasonalMA
  • X11_TrendMA
  • X11_SigmaLim
  • X11_Title
  • X11_AppendFcst
  • X11_AppendBcst
  • X11_Final
  • X11_Print
  • X11_Save
  • X11_SaveLog

Transform Spec

  • Transform_Function
  • Transform_Power
  • Transform_Adjust
  • Transform_Title
  • Transform_AicDiff
  • Transform_Print
  • Transform_Save
  • Transform_SaveLog

Estimate Spec

  • Estimate_Tol
  • Estimate_MaxIter
  • Estimate_Exact
  • Estimate_OutOfSample
  • Estimate_Print
  • Estimate_Save
  • Estimate_SaveLog

Automdl Spec

  • Automdl_MaxOrder
  • Automdl_MaxDiff
  • Automdl_Diff
  • Automdl_AcceptDefault
  • Automdl_CheckMu
  • Automdl_LjungBoxLimit
  • Automdl_Mixed
  • Automdl_Print
  • Automdl_SaveLog

Pickmdl Spec

  • Pickmdl_Method
  • Pickmdl_Mode
  • Pickmdl_Print
  • Pickmdl_SaveLog

Arima Spec

  • Arima_Model
  • Arima_AR
  • Arima_MA
  • Arima_Title

Force Spec

  • Force_Type
  • Force_Lambda
  • Force_Rho
  • Force_Round
  • Force_Start
  • Force_Target
  • Force_UseFcst
  • Force_Print
  • Force_Save

Forecast Spec

  • Forecast_MaxLead
  • Forecast_MaxBack
  • Forecast_Exclude
  • Forecast_LogNormal
  • Forecast_Print
  • Forecast_Save

Regression Spec

  • Regression_Variables
  • Regression_TestAllEaster
  • Regression_Data
  • Regression_User
  • Regression_UserType
  • Regression_AicTest
  • Regression_AicDiff
  • Regression_PVAicTest
  • Regression_TLimit
  • Regression_Chi2Test
  • Regression_Chi2TestCV
  • Regression_Print
  • Regression_Save
  • Regression_SaveLog

X11Regression Spec

  • X11Regression_Variables
  • X11Regression_Data
  • X11Regression_User
  • X11Regression_UserType
  • X11Regression_AicTest
  • X11Regression_AicDiff
  • X11Regression_TDPrior
  • X11Regression_Prior
  • X11Regression_Span
  • X11Regression_Sigma
  • X11Regression_Critical
  • X11Regression_OutlierMethod
  • X11Regression_OutlierSpan
  • X11Regression_Print
  • X11Regression_Save
  • X11Regression_SaveLog

Seats Spec

  • Seats_AppendFcst
  • Seats_HpCycle
  • Seats_NoAdmiss
  • Seats_QMax
  • Seats_RMod
  • Seats_Out
  • Seats_StatSeas
  • Seats_TabTables
  • Seats_PrintPhtrf
  • Seats_Print
  • Seats_Save
  • Seats_SaveLog


Bulding the Input File

With no options specified, all specs (see their list above) are empty, meaning they are not included in the input file at all and the X13-ARIMA default values (see the X13-ARIMA-SEATS manual) are assumed, with the following exceptions:

  • Series_Start, Series_Data and Series_Period are automatically created based on the inputSeries;

  • Series_Precision and Series_Decimals are both set to 5 (the maximum precision accepted by the X13-ARIMA procedure);

  • Either an X11 spec or a pair of Seat and Automdl specs are included to force the execution of the X11 type of seasonal adjustment (if d.. types of output tables are requested in Output) or the execution of the SEAT type of seasonal adjustment (if x.. types of output tables are requested in Output).

If no setting within a particular spec is not defined in the options, the spec itself is not included in the input file. To force the inclusion of an empty spec in the input file (assuming thus the default values for all the settings within that spece), use the name of the spec as an option and set it to true, e.g. (..., "Automdl", true, ...) to force the estimation of an ARIMA model based on an automatic model selection procedure.

If at least one setting from a particular spec is specified as an option in the fuction call, that spec is included explicitly in the input file.

Type of Seasonal Adjustment

Two types of seasonal adjustments are available in X13-ARIMA: X11 and SEATS. Which one is invoked depends on the type of output requested in the option Output: the output tables starting with a d refer to X11 (hence, the default Output="d11" invokes X11 and returns the final seasonally adjusted series) whereas the output tables starting with an s refer to SEATS.

Depending on the output tables requested, the correct spec for the respective seasonal adjustment procedure will be included in the input file and invoked.

The two procedures cannot be combined together in one run; i.e. the option Output cannot combine d.. and s.. output tables.

Output Tables (Output Series)

The following output tables (i.e. output series) can be requested in the option Output:

Name in option Output Output table in X13 Description
"d10" X11_d10 X11 final seasonal factors
"d11" X11_d11 X11 final seasonally adjusted series
"d12" X11_d12 X11 final trend-cycle
"d13" X11_d13 X11 final irregular component
"d16" X11_d16 X11 final combined seasonal and trading day factors
"d18" X11_d18 X11 combined holiday and trading day factors
"s10" Seats_s10 SEATS final seasonal component
"s11" Seats_s11 SEATS final seasonal adjustment component
"s12" Seats_s12 SEATS final trend component
"s13" Seats_s13 SEATS final irregular component
"s14" Seats_s14 SEATS final transitory component
"s16" Seats_s16 SEATS final combined adjustment component
"s18" Seats_s18 SEATS final adjustment ratio
"cyc" Seats_cyc SEATS cycle component
"a18" Series_a18 Original series adjusted for regARIMA calendar effects
"a19" Series_a19 Original series adjusted for regARIMA outliers
"b1" Series_b1 Original series, adjusted for prior effects and forecast extended
"mva" Series_mva Original series with missing values replaced by regARIMA estimates
"saa" Force_saa Final seasonally adjusted series with constrained yearly totals
"rnd" Force_rnd Rounded final seasonally adjusted series
"fct" Forecast_fct Point forecasts on the original scale
"bct" Forecast_bct Point backcasts on the original scale
"ftr" Forecast_ftr Point forecasts on the transformed scale
"btr" Forecast_btr Point backcasts on the transformed scale


A plain vanilla call

xsa = x13.season(x)


[xsa, info] = x13.season(x)

produces a seasonally adjusted series xsa with all default settings (hence no ARIMA model estimated).


Estimate an ARIMA model based on an automatic model selection procedures, use the ARIMA information in the seasonal adjustment, and return the estimated ARIMA model in the output info struct:

[xsa, info] = x13.season(x, "Automdl", true, "Estimate_Save", "mdl")


Request additional output series: the seasonally adjusted series, the seasonal factors and the trend cycle component:

[xsa, xsf, xtc, info] = x13.season(x, "Output", ["d11", "d10", "d12"]);


Run seasonal adjustment based on an automatically selected ARIMA model with dummy variables of additive outliers in period 2017Q3, 2017Q4 and 2018Q1:

xsa = x13.season(x ...
    , "Automdl", true ...
    , "Regression_Variables", "aos2017.3-2018.1" ...

This call is equivalent to creating the dummies manually (a time series object with three columns), and using the option Regression_Data instead:

dummy = Series(startDate:endDate, zeros(1, 3));
dummy(qq(2017,3), 1) = 1;
dummy(qq(2017,4), 2) = 1;
dummy(qq(2018,1), 3) = 1;

xsa = x13.season(x ...
    , "Automdl", true ...
    , "Regression_Data", dummy ...