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estimate (Model)

Estimate model parameters by maximizing posterior-based objective function


Input arguments marked with a ~ sign may be omitted.

[summary, poster, proposalCov, hess, mEst] ...
    = estimate(m, inputDb, range, estimSpecs, ~SystemPriors, ...)

Input arguments

m [ model ]

Model object with single parameterization.

inputDb [ struct ]

Input database from which the measurement variables will be taken.

range [ struct ]

Date range on which the data likelihood will be evaluated.

estimSpecs [ struct ]

Struct with the list of paremeters that will be estimated, and the parameter prior specifications (see below).

SystemPriors=[] [ SystemPriorWrapper | empty ]

System priors, SystemPriorWrapper.

Output arguments

summary [ table ]

Table with summary information.

poster [ Posterior ]

Posterior, poster, object; this object also gives you access to the value of the objective function at optimum or at any point in the parameter space, see the Posterior/eval function.

proposalCov [ numeric ]

Proposal covariance matrix based on the final Hessian, and adjusted for lower/upper bound hits.

hess [ cell ]

Hess{1} is the total hessian of the objective function; Hess{2} is the contributions of the priors to the hessian.

mEst [ Model ]

Model object solved with the estimated parameters (including out-of-likelihood parameters and common variance factor).


CheckSteady=false [ true | false | cell ]

Check steady state in each iteration; works only in non-linear models.

EvalLikelihood=true [ true | false ]

In each iteration, evaluate likelihood (or another data based criterion), and include it to the overall objective function to be optimised.

EvalParameterPriors=true [ true | false ]

In each iteration, evaluate parameter prior density, and include it to the overall objective function to be optimised.

EvalSystemPriors=true [ true | false ]

In each iteration, evaluate system prior density, and include it to the overall objective function to be optimised.

Filter={} [ cell ]

Cell array of options that will be passed on to the Kalman filter including the type of objective function; see help on kalmanFilter for the options available.

StartIterations="struct" [ "Model" | "Struct" | struct ]

If InitVal="struct" use the values in the input struct est to start the iteration; if Model use the currently assigned parameter values in the input model, m.

MaxIter=500 [ numeric ]

Maximum number of iterations allowed.

MaxFunEvals=2000 [ numeric ]

Maximum number of objective function calls allowed.

NoSolution='Error' [ 'Error' | 'Penalty' | numeric ]

Specifies what happens if solution or steady state fails to solve in an iteration: NoSolution='Error' stops the execution with an error message, NoSolution='Penalty' returns an extreme value, 1e10, back to the minimization routine; or a user-supplied penalty can be specified as a numeric scalar greater than 1e10.

OptimSet={} [ cell ]

Cell array used to create the Optimization Toolbox options structure; works only with the option Solver='Default'.

Summary='Table' [ 'Table' | 'Struct' ]

Format of the Summary output argument.

Solve=true [ true | false | cellstr ]

Re-compute solution in each iteration; you can specify a cell array with options for the solve function.

Steady=false [ true | false | cell | function_handle ]

Re-compute steady state in each iteration; you can specify a cell array with options for the sstate( ) function, or a function handle whose behaviour is described below.

TolFun=1e-6 [ numeric ]

Termination tolerance on the objective function.

TolX=1e-6 [ numeric ]

Termination tolerance on the estimated parameters.


The parameters that are to be estimated are specified in the input parameter estimation specification struct, estimSpecs in which you can provide the following specifications for each parameter:

estimSpecs.parameterName = { start, lower, upper, prior };

where start is the value from which the numerical optimization will start, lower is the lower bound, upper is the upper bound, and prior is a distribution function object specifying the prior density for the parameter.

You can use NaN for start if you wish to use the value currently assigned in the model object. You can use -Inf and Inf for the bounds, or leave the bounds empty or not specify them at all. You can leave the prior distribution empty.

Estimating nonlinear models

By default, only the first-order solution, but not the steady state is updated (recomputed) in each iteration before the likelihood is evaluated. This behavior is controled by two options, Solve= (true by default) and Sstate= (false by default). If some of the estimated parameters do affect the steady state of the model, the option Sstate= needs to be set to true or to a cell array with steady-state options, as in the function sstate, otherwise the results will be groslly inaccurate or a valid first-order solution will be impossible to find.

When steady state is recomputed in each iteration, you may also want to use the option Chksstate= to require that a steady-state check for all model equations be performed.

User-supplied Optimization (Minimization) Routine

You can supply a function handle to your own minimization routine through the option Solver=. This routine will be used instead of the Optim Tbx's fminunc or fmincon functions. The user-supplied function is expected to take at least five input arguments and return three output arguments:

[pEst, ObjEst, Hess] = yourminfunc(F, P0, PLow, PHigh, OptimSet)

with the following input arguments:

  • F is a function handle to the function minimised;
  • P0 is a 1-by-N vector of initial parameter values;
  • PLow is a 1-by-N vector of lower bounds (with -Inf indicating no lower bound);
  • PHigh is a 1-by-N vector of upper bounds (with Inf indicating no upper bounds);
  • OptimSet is a cell array with name-value pairs entered by the user through the option 'OptimSet='. This option can be used to modify various settings related to the optimization routine, such as tolerance, number of iterations, etc. Of course, you may simply ignore it and leave this input argument unused;

and the following output arguments:

  • pEst is a 1-by-N vector of estimated parameters;
  • ObjEst is the value of the objective function at optimum;
  • Hess is a N-by-N approximate Hessian matrix at optimum.

If you need to use extra input arguments in your minimization function, enter a cell array instead of a plain function handle:

{@yourminfunc, Arg1, Arg2, ...}

In that case, the solver will be called the following way:

[pEst, ObjEst, Hess] = yourminfunc(F, P0, PLow, PHigh, Opt, Arg1, Arg2, ...)

User-Supplied Steady-State Solver

You can supply a function handle to your own steady-state solver (i.e. a function that finds the steady state for given parameters) through the Sstate= option.

The function is expected to take one input argument, the model object with newly assigned parameters, and return at least two output arguments, the model object with a new steady state (or balanced-growth path) and a success flag. The flag is true if the steady state has been successfully computed, and false if not:

[m, success] = mysstatesolver(m)

It is your responsibility to add the growth characteristics if some of the model variables drift over time. In other words, you need to take care of the imaginary parts of the steady state values in the model object returned by the solver.

Alternatively, you can also run the steady-state solver with extra input arguments (with the model object still being the first input argument). In that case, you need to set the option Sstate=' to a cell array with the function handle in the first cell, and the other input arguments afterwards, e.g.

'Sstate=', {@mysstatesolver, 1, 'a', x}

The actual function call will have the following form:

[m, success] = mysstatesolver(m, 1, 'a', x)
