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Overview of data management tools

Time series

Time series objects are two- or higher-dimensional arrays whose rows are referenced by dates.


Iris uses the standard Matlab structures (struct objects) as databanks that can store any types of data. The +databank package provides several functions to automate and streamline some of the most frequent data handling tasks.


Iris dates are designed to provide maximum convenience for handling dates spaced at regular intervals throughout a calendar year.

Term structures

Termers are objects for storing and manipulating data organized along a term-to-maturity dimension, such as yield curves.

Matrices with named rows and columns

Matrices with named rows and columns provide great convenience when working with analytical descriptions of model properties organized as matrices (e.g. covariance matrices), with the rows and columns referrring to particualar model quantities.

Data groupings

Data grouping objects are used for aggregating the contributions of shocks in model simulations, Model/simulate, or aggregating the contributions of measurement variables in Kalman filtering, Model/kalmanFilter.

Excel spreadsheet data retrieval

The ExcelSheet object gives flexible access to data stored in Excel spreadsheets, and their retrieval as time series and databanks.