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rephrase.Text (+rephrase)

Create a Text object for rephrase reports


output = rephrase.Text.fromFile(title, fileName, varargin)
output = rephrase.Text.fromString(title, text, varargin)

Input arguments

title [ string ]

Title text for the text.

fileName [ string ]

File name with specified location.

text [ string ]

Text string to be inserted into the object.

Output arguments

output [ Table ]

Text type object with the assigned arguements to be passed into the rephrase objects.


ParseFormulas=true [ true* | false ]

Flag which enables parsing formulas by default.

HighlightCodeBlocks=true [ true* | false ]

Flag which enables highlighting code blocks by default.

Possible children



The function +rephrase/Text returns the Text object based on the input arguments and options set by the user. The object itself needs to be passed to the parent rephrase object such as +rephrase/Grid.


% Using text strings from another file
txt1 = rephrase.Text.fromFile("" ,"" )

% Using text strings
txt1 = rephrase.Text.fromString("" ,"Text" )