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fillMissings (Series)

Fill missing time series observations


outputSeries = fillMissing(inputSeries, range, method)
outputSeries = fillMissing(inputSeries, range, method, specs)
outputSeries = fillMissing(inputSeries, range, anotherSeries)

Input Arguments

inputSeries [ Series ]

Input time series whose missing entries lying within the range will be filled with values determined by the method or from anotherSeries.

range [ Dater | Inf ]

Date range within which missing entries will be looked up in the inputSeries and filled with values determined by the method or from anotherSeries.

method [ string | Series ]

String specifying the method to obtain missing observations, or a time series with replacement values.

The method can be any of the methods valid in the built-in fillmissing() function (see help fillmissing) or one of the regression methods provided by Iris: "regressConstant", "regressTrend" or "regressLogTrend" for a regression on a constant, a regression on a constant and a linear time trend, and a log-regression on a constant and a time trend, respectively.

specs [ * ]

Some of the methods in the built-in fillmissing() function require addition specification (see help fillmissing).

anotherSeries [ Series ]

Another time series whose values will be used to fill missing entries in the inputSeries.

Output Arguments

outputSeries [ Series ]

Output time series whose missing observations found within the range have been filled with values given by the method or from anotherSeries.

