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Series.seasonDummy (Series)

Create time series with seasonal dummies


outputSeries = Series.seasonDummy(range, dummyPeriods, ...)

Input Arguments

range [ Dater ]

Date range on which the time series will be created.

dummyPeriods [ numeric ]

Numeric periods in which the new outputSeries will be assigned the value 1 in each year of the range; otherwise, the values will 0; the dummyPeriods are frequency specific and depend on the date frequency of the range, e.g. the dummyPeriods represent quarters for a quarterly range, months for a monthly range, etc.

Any further input arguments (third, fourth, etc.) will be pased into the Series constructor as the third, fourth, etc. input arguments (i.e. the comments, userData, etc.)

Output Arguments

outputSeries [ Series ]

New time series with the value 1 in the dummyPeriods in each year within the range, and with 0 otherwise.



x = Series.seasonDummy(mm(2020,01):mm(2029,12), 1)
x = Series.seasonDummy(mm(2020,01):mm(2029,12), [1, 7])