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databank.apply (+databank)

Apply function to a selection of databank fields


[outputDb, appliedToNames, newNames] = databank.apply(inputDb, func, ...)

Input arguments

inputDb [ struct | Dictionary ]

Input databank to whose fields the function will be applied.

func [ function_handle ]

Function (function handle) that will be applied to the selected fields of the inputDb.

Output arguments

outputDb [ struct | Dictionary ]

Output databank created from the inputDb with new fields or some fields modified.

appliedToNames [ string ]

List of names to which the function has been actually applied.

newNames [ string ]

List of names under which the results are stored in the outputDb.


StartsWith="" [ string ]

Apply the function to fields whose names start with this string.

EndsWith="" [ string ]

Apply the function to fields whose names end with this string.

RemoveStart=false [ true | false ]

If option StartsWith= was used, a new field will be created after the function has been applied with its named derived from the original name by removing the start of the string.

RemoveEnd=false [ true | false ]

If option EndsWith= was used, a new field will be created after the function has been applied with its named derived from the original name by removing the end of the string.

Prepend="" [ char | string ]

A new field will be created after the function has been applied with its named derived from the original name by prepending this string to the beginning of the original field name.

Append="" [ char | string ]

A new field will be created after the function has been applied with its named derived from the original name by appending this string to the end of the original field name.

RemoveSource=false [ true | false ]

Remove the source field from the outputDb; the source field is the inputDb on which the function was run to create a new field.

SourceNames=@all [ @all | cellstr | string ]

List of databank field names to which the name selection procedure will be reduced.

TargetNames=@default [ @default | cellstr | string ]

New names for output databank fields.

TargetDb=@default [ @default | struct | Dictionary ]

Databank to which the transformed fields will be added; TargetDb=@default means they will be kept in the inputDb.

WhenError="keep" [ "keep" | "remove" | "error" ]

What to do when the function func fails with an error on a field:

  • "keep" means the field will be kept in the outputDb unchanged;

  • "remove" means the field will be removed from the outputDb;

  • "error" means the execution of databank.apply will stop with an error.



Add 1 to all databank fields, regardless of their types. Note that the addition also works for strings.

d1 = struct( );
d1.x = Series(1:10, 1:10);
d1.b = 1:5;
d1.y_u = Series(qq(2010,1):qq(2025,4), @rand);
d1.s = "x";
d2 = databank.apply(d1, @(x) x+1); 


Seasonally adjust all time series whose name ends with _u.

% Create random series, some with seasonal patterns

range = qq(2010,1):qq(2025,4);
s1 = Series.seasonDummy(range, 1);
s2 = Series.seasonDummy(range, 2);
s3 = Series.seasonDummy(range, 3);

d = struct();
d.x1_u = cumsum(Series(range, @randn)) + 4*s1 - 2*s2 + 2*s3;
d.x2_u = cumsum(Series(range, @randn)) - 1*s1 + 3*s2 - 7*s3;
d.x3_u = cumsum(Series(range, @randn)) + 7*s1 + 3*s2 - 5*s3;
d.x4 = cumsum(Series(range, @randn));
d.x5 = cumsum(Series(range, @randn));


% Apply the seasonal adjustment function to all fields whose name starts
% with `_u`; the seasonally adjusted series will be added to the databank
% under new names created by removing the `_u`
func = @(x) x13.season(x, "x11_mode", "add");
d = databank.apply(d, func, "endsWith", "_u", "removeEnd", true);
