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simulate (Model)

Run a model simulation


[outputDb, outputInfo, frameDb] = simulate(model, inputDb, range, ___)

Input arguments

model [ Model ]

Model object with a valid solution avalaible for each of its parameter variants.

inputDb [ struct | Dictionary ]

Input databank from which the following data will be retrieved:

  • initial conditions for the lags of transition variables; use access(model, "initials") to get the list of the necessary initial conditions;

  • shocks within the simulation range; if shocks are missing, the default zero value is used in the simulation;

  • data points for the transition variables exogenized in the simulation Plan (entered optionally through the plan= option);

  • initial paths for transition variables in nonlinear simulations (method="stacked" or method="period") when the initial iteration is requested to be taken from the input data and not the default first-order simulation, startIterationsFrom="data".

range [ DateWrapper | numeric ]

Simulation range; the simulation range is always from the first date to the last date specified in the range.

Output arguments

outputDb [ struct | Dictionary ]

Databank (struct or Dictionary) with the simulation results; if options prependInput= or appendInput= are not used, the time series in outputDb span the simulation range plus all necessary initial conditions for those variables that have lags in the model.

outputInfo [ struct ]

Info struct with details on the simulation; the outputInfo struct contains the following fields:

  • .FrameColumns
  • .FrameDates
  • .BaseRange
  • .ExtendedRange
  • .Success
  • .ExitFlags
  • .DiscrepancyTables
  • .ProgressBar

frameDb [ cell ]

Only returned nonempty when method="stacked": Nested cell arrays with databanks containing the simulation results of each individual frame; the frameDb{i}{j} element is the output databank from simulating the j-th frame in the i-th variant or data page.

General options

anticipate=true [ true | false ]

Default anticipation status for shocks placed at future times; the anticipation status can be modified individually for each shock by using real/imaginary values in the inputDb, or by specifying anticipation status in the simulation plan in the plan= option.

appendInput=false [ true | false ]

If true, the data from inputDb succeeding the simulation range will be included in the output time series returned in outputDb.

contributions=false [ true | false]

Break the simulation down into the contributions of individual types of shocks.

ignoreShocks=false [ true | false ]

Reset all shocks in the input databank to zero.

method="firstOrder" [ "firstOrder" | "stacked" | "period" ]

Simulation method:

  • method="firstOrder" - use a first-order approximate solution;

  • method="stacked" - solve the model numerically as a stacked-time system of nonlinear-equations using a quasi-Newton method.

  • method="period" - solve the model numerically as a system of nonlinear-equations period by period using a quasi-Newton method; in forward-looking models, the model-consistent expectations are replaced with the values found in the inputDb

The nonlinear simulation methods also further use the solver= option to specify the settings for the nonlinear solver.

plan=[] [ empty | Plan ]

Specify a simulation plan with anticipation, inversion and conditioning information.

deviation=false [ true | false ]

If true, both the input data and the output data are (and are expected to be) in the form of deviations from steady state:

  • for variables not declared as log-variables, the deviations from steady state are calculated as a plain difference: \(x_t - \bar x_t\)

  • for variables declared as log-variables, the deviations from steady state are calculated as a ratio: \(x_t / \bar x_t\).

includeLog=false [ true | false ]

Include the paths for the logarithm of those variables that are declared as !log-variables in the model; these will be reported under the names prepended with the prefix log_.

prependInput=false [ true | false ]

If true, the data from inputDb preceding the simulation range will be included in the output time series returned in outputDb.

Options for nonlinear simulation methods

The following options take effect when method="stacked" or method="period".

blocks=false [ true | false ]

In simulations with no model inversion or conditioning: Apply sequential block decomposition of the dynamic equations, and calculate the simulation block by block.

solver=@auto [ @auto | string | cell ]

The name of the numerical solver to use for solving nonlinear simulations (method="stacked" or method="period"), optionally also with solver settings; see Description.

successOnly=false [ true | false ]

Stop the simulation when a variant/block fails to converge, and do not proceed. If successOnly=false, the simulation proceeds to the next variant/block, and the failure is reported in outputInfo.

startIterationsFrom="firstOrder" [ "firstOrder" | "data" ]

Method to determine the starting paths for variables:

  • "firstOrder" - use first order solution to simulate the entire paths;

  • "data" - use the paths from the inputDb.

terminal="firstOrder" [ "firstOrder" | "data" ]

Method to determine terminal condition in nonlinear simulations of forward-looking models:

  • "firstOrder" - use the first order solution to simulate terminal condition beyond the last nonlinear point;

  • "data" - use fixed terminal condition supplied in the inputDb.


In its plain vanilla form, this function calculates a first-order simulation the model on the simulation range (from the first date in range until the last date in range), extracting two pieces of information from the inputDb:

  • initial condition, i.e. values for the lags of model variables before the start date,

  • shocks on the simulation range.

Numerical solver settings in nonlinear simulations

When method="stacked" or method="period", the model is solved as a nonlinear system of equations using an Iris quasi-Newton solver. There are two basic varieties of the numerical solver in Iris:

  • a quasi-Newton, called "iris-newton"; this is a traditional Newton algorithm with optional step size optimization;

  • a quasi-Newton-steepest-descent, called "iris-qnsd"; this solver combines the quasi-Newton step with a Cauchy (steepest descent) step and regularizes the Jacobian matrix in the process.

For most simulations, the "iris-newton" (which is the default choice) is the appropriate choice; however, you can still modify some of the settings by specifying a cell array whose first element is the name of the solver ("newton" or "qnsd") followed by any number of name-value pairs for the individual settings; for instance:

outputDb = simulate( ...
    model, inputDb, range ...
    , method="stacked" ...
    , solver={"iris-newton", "maxIterations", 100, "functionTolerance", 1e-5} ...

See Numerical solver settings for the description of all settings.
