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Download databank of time series from ECB Statistical Data Warehouse


[db, info] =, skeys, ___)


[db, info] ="EXR", "M.USD.EUR.SP00.A")

[db, info] ="EXR", "M.CHF+USD.EUR.SP00.A")

[db, info] ="EXR", {"M", ["CHF", USD"], "EUR.SP00.A"})

Input arguments

dataset [ string ]

Dataset identifier (usualy a three-letter string); only one dataset is allowed in one request.

skeys [ string | cell ]

Series key or keys specified one of the following ways:

  • A single string with requested dimensions separated by periods, .; connect more than one value in a dimension using a plus sign, +.

  • A cell array of strings or string arrays; the cells will be joined by a period, .; if a cell contains a string array, the individual array elements will be joind by a plus sign, +.

Output arguments

outputDb [ struct | Dictionay ]

Output databank with the requested series.

info [ struct ]

Output information struct with the following fields:

  • .Request - a string with the entire URL request

  • .Response - a JSON struct with the ECB SDW response


AddToDatabank=[] [ struct | Dictionary | empty ]

The new time series will be added to this databank.

Attributes=true [ true | false ]

Read also the attributes for each time series and populated the time series comments and user data; if Attributes=false, the attributes are not requested, and the output time series do not have their comments and user data populated from them.

__OutputType="struct" [ "struct" | "Dictionary" ]

Type of the output databank (struct or Dictionary).

DimensionSeparator="_" [ string ]

String that will be used to separate the individual dimensions in the names of the series (the dimensions are separated with periods, ., in the URL request, which cannot be part of struct fields in Matlab).

CommentFrom="TITLE" [ string ]

Name of the ECB SDW attribute on which each time series comment will be based.


See the ECB SDW API manual for details on how to look up and specify the datasets and time series dimensions.

Visit the ECB SDW web interface to browse the time series.


Download a monthly time series for the USD/EUR exchange rate

[db, info] ="EXR", "M.USD.EUR.SP00.A")

Download a monthly and a yearly (annual) time series for the USD/EUR exchange rate; note the multiple dimension request A+M

[db, info] ="EXR", "A+M.USD.EUR.SP00.A")

The previous data request is equivalent to

[db, info] ="EXR", {["A", "M"], "USD.EUR.SP00.A"})

Download monthly and yearly (annual) time series for multiple exchange rates: USD, CHF, JPY; the following two requests are eqivalent

[db, info] ="EXR", "A+M.USD+CHF+JPY.EUR.SP00.A")
[db, info] ="EXR", {["A", "M"], ["USD", "CHF", "JPY"], "EUR.SP00.A"})