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rephrase.Curve (+rephrase)

Create a Curve object for rephrase reports


output = rephrase.Curve(title, input, varargin)

Input arguments

title [ string ]

Legend text for the series.

input [ Series ]

Series type of object which contains the data to be displayed

Output arguments

output [ Curve ]

Curve type object with the assigned arguements to be passed into the rephrase objects.


ShowLegend=true [ true* | false ]

Flag which enables the graph legend by default and can be set to false.

LineWidth=2 [ numeric ]

The option sets the linewidth.

Type='scatter' [ string 'scatter*' | 'Bar' ]

The option sets the type of the graph to be displayed. It is set by default as 'scatter' but can be change to 'Bar'.

Markers= [ struct ]

The option sets the markers to be displayed.

StackGroup= [ string ]

The option sets the stack groups for type 'Bar'.

Fill='none' [ string ]


Text= [ string ]


Color= [ string ]

The option sets the color by using the RGB hex code of the displayed Series.

FillColor= [ string ]

The option sets the fill color by using the RGB hex code of the displayed Series.


The function +rephrase/Curve returns the Curve object based on the input arguments and options set by the user. The object itself needs to be passed to the parent rephrase object such as +rephrase/CurveChart.

The object requires the child to be defined either via a standalone object or a class function fromMultivariate. See the example below.
