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rephrase.SeriesChart (+rephrase)

Create a SeriesChart object for rephrase reports


output = rephrase.SeriesChart(title, dates, varargin)

Input arguments

title [ string ]

Title text for the chart.

dates [ numeric ]

Range of the data to be displayed which should match the format of the data.

Output arguments

output [ SeriesChart ]

SeriesChart type object with the assigned arguements to be passed into the rephrase objects.


StartDate= [ numeric ]

Start date of the data to be displayed.

Layout=struct() [ struct ]

Low-level layout options for charts; implemented are the following elements:

  • .xaxis
  • .yaxis
  • .font
  • .legend
  • .margin

EndDate= [ numeric ]

End date of the data to be displayed.

DateFormat='YYYY-MM-DD' [ string ]

Date format to be displayed.

BarMode='group' [ string 'group' | 'stack' | 'relative' ]

Bar mode of the series to be displayed.

Frequency= [ numeric ]

Frequency of the displayed data.

HoverFormat= [ string ]


ShowLegend=true [ true* | false ]

Flag which enables the graph legend by default and can be set to false.

Highlight= [ cell ]

Option which passes the Highlight object and displays it on the graph.

Possible children



The function +rephrase/SeriesChart returns the SeriesChart object based on the input arguments and options set by the user. The object itself needs to be passed to the parent rephrase object such as +rephrase/Grid.

The object requires the child to be defined either via a standalone object or a class function fromSeries. See the example below.


    % Using standalone Series object
    chart1 = rephrase.SeriesChart("Chart 1", startDate:endDate) ...
        + rephrase.Series("Series X", d.x);

    % Using fromSeries class function
    chart1 = rephrase.SeriesChart.fromSeries({"Chart 1", startDate:endDate}, ...
    {"Actual", d.l_y});