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icrf (Model)

Initial-condition response functions, first-order solution only

## Syntax ##

 S = icrf(M, NPer, ...)
 S = icrf(M, Range, ...)

## Input Arguments ##

M [ model ]

Model object for which the initial condition responses will be simulated.

Range [ numeric | char ]

Date range with the first date being the shock date.

NPer [ numeric ]

Number of periods.

## Output Arguments ##

S [ struct ]

Databank with initial condition response series.

## Options ##

'Delog=' [ *true| false ]

Delogarithmise the responses for variables declared as !log_variables.

'Size=' [ numeric | 1for linear models | log(1.01)for non-linear models ]

Size of the deviation in initial conditions.

## Description ##

Function icrf returns the responses of all model variables to a deviation (of a given size) in one initial condition. All other initial conditions remain undisturbed and all shocks remain zero in the simulation.
