[IrisToolbox] for Macroeconomic Modeling
Practical tricks for nonlinear models
Practical problems operating (larger) nonlinear models
Difficult to tell if the problem is imperfection of the numerical algorithm, or the simulation reaching out of the corridor of stability
Use auxiliary devices to make convergence happen, and to measure the extent of the pressures
False slope
- Occasionally binding constraints, e.g. zero interest floor
The discontinuity at the edge pose relatively little difficulties
The zero slope of the
functions in the binding regions is a more serious problem
Pressure relief valves (PRVs)
Augment structural ("behavioral") equations with terms that relieve the equations of the pressures created by nonlinearities
Control the PRV through a knob parameter
Zero interest floor and aggregate demand: \(\alpha \left( r_t - r^\mathrm{unc} \right)\)
Recapitalization when capital adequacy is damaged across the entire sector